Friday, July 15, 2016

Start with Purpose

Purpose is the fuel that drives life in the direction of your choosing.

Someone left a mark within my mind with the simple yet impactive phrase, "Start with purpose". Where you want to be, how you will get there, and what you do with your time upon arrival, all depend on purpose. Find a goal worthy of your own precious time on Earth and break it down to the "where", "how", and "what"...

 "Where" will be a sharper image than "how" and "what". Develop a general idea of your dream destination in life and ponder until you have no question remaining except "when?". With time the image will become more defined, to be meticulously carved to your perfection.

Progression is the "how". Each day and every task will bring you closer to your goal. The moment you stop working towards the following day, the moment your goal become more out of focus.

The "what" will be determined at the very moment you arrive, and will be fine tuned thanks to your constant progression. There will be no question if you have truly dedicated yourself.

My mind will only be set to success from this day on. I will treat it and my body with the upmost respect they deserve. My mind will be clear and  the days of the hang over are over. Memory loss will come from overload and not the toxins which have been slowing me down from the beginning. I only feel hope and excitement for my future, nothing is lost and there is only time left to gain.

Photo: "Full Moon Ride" taken by me from the Tanto Trail of the Grand Canyon, SR Jan. 2014

Saturday, June 11, 2016

more than words

To say that a picture is worth but a thousand words is a great understatement. A photograph is more than visual; it is touch, taste, sound, smell, emotion, astounding happiness, desperate sadness and each feeling in between. Photographs return the mind to a singular moment, maybe one even forgotten along the path of life. Secrets loom in each shadow or ray of light, which can never be edited out.
The word desiderium came into my vocabulary after a year or two of searching for a single word to describe the feeling of loss after my mother's untimely death. A latin word meaning "an ardent longing, as for something lost". Nothing better described my heart's yearning, yet no fluxuation in its intensity occured. Definition is simply written explanation. It is not understanding, nor is it soothing in such a case. Within a photograph each of the millions of words, feelings, and senses it is worth has along with it a word as perfectly fitting as "desiderium" became to my heart's unwaivering ache.
My wish would be to provide others with images, encompassing the word and definition they are knowingly or unknowingly searching for. Each of us have a longing, an almost physical pull directing us to and fro, towards dreams or destruction, for let's face it, not all are following the positive path that someone else may have found. My mother met her demise from what I can only define as a broken heart, something which one could never fight a disease whilst bearing. With all of me, I wish to prevent any other person from suffering such a fate. If a single moment captured by me is able to define another's source of prepulsion, further inspiring them to follow a path of their dreams, my dreams will become a reality.

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Such is life

Upon losing my dear and sweet mother in the winter of 2011, I made the choice to pursue the gift of wanderlust in her honor. A thirst for knowledge has taken me to some most amazing places, and even more, it has brought me to so many fascinating and inspiring individuals. Each person along the path has taught something precious, and for that I will continue until I can't any longer. Only an open, positive mind clear of prejudice could have gotten me to this point. Family is the most infallible support system, I am fortunate to have one worth going back to. They are in my heart every step of the way, as well as my mother. I am thankful everyday. True happiness comes from sharing experiences with others; candles lighting other candles along our similar yet unique paths of life. Cheers, Skol,  Sláinte,  Bless, Salude!